Here is your opportunity to finally be able to sit up straight at your computer and stay straight without returning to a slouch as soon as your attention is elsewhere. “The Antidote To Computer Slouch” is the topic of the next workshop with Jan O’Donoghue at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga. Date for your diary, Sunday May 22. Time 9.30 am to 12 noon.
Just imagine. No more rounded back with all it’s associated problems. No more stiff shoulders, neck and eye strain. No more dowager’s hump, weak back or protruding tummy. And goodbye to poor digestion, inefficient breathing and fatigue caused by slouching. Continual slouching ruins your appearance and your health. You know that and at this workshop you will learn exactly the techniques you need to apply so you can straighten your back and stay that way. Simple, practical and proven techniques so you can start to change your shape and improve your health right away. Bonus: you’ll see how your breathing and energy improve too.
Workshop suitable for all students. Please book and pay deposit of $25 or full fee $60 by 18/5/16. Go to Contact Us or book with Jan at the yoga school.