About Iyengar Yoga

A practical method for total health and self-development.

Iyengar Yoga takes its name from B.K.S. Iyengar, the world’s foremost exponent of yoga, who for many years  traveled the globe extensively, teaching, demonstrating, lecturing and shedding light on the ancient system of Yoga. Iyengar died in 2014 aged 95.

Iyengar regards Yoga as an art, a science and a philosophy which should be accessible to everyone in a practical rather than theoretical manner, so that all can enjoy freedom of movement, radiant health and peace of mind.

Doing yoga the Iyengar way means that emphasis is placed on
precision, anatomical alignment and full awareness

When the body is placed in the correctly aligned posture and the attention is fully engaged in the pose the student can begin to experience the harmony that is Yoga.

Iyengar Yoga has been called “The Ultimate Exercise Yoga”.

It is certainly a highly effective way to loosen, strengthen and enliven the entire body and students can make impressive progress. For this reason the Iyengar method of yoga has become very popular in recent years with Hollywood celebrities and others in the public eye. It really does work.

However it is important to note that the external benefits are accompanied by internal benefits.

Developing in concert with the physical benefits is an opening of the mind and emotions. Stress levels are reduced, the emotions are calmed and the intellect is sharpened. The benefits of Iyengar Yoga are for the whole person, body, mind and spirit.

Therapy and “Props”: Iyengar yoga is also renowned for its effectiveness as a healing therapy for injuries and ailments. Even those who have serious conditions can be shown by an experienced teacher specific positions which will be of benefit.

Recognising that so many people do not have freedom of movement, and that many suffer from injuries and organic ailments Iyengar developed an extensive system of “props”. These are used to assist students with limitations. They can also used by students at any level to experience the full benefits of the yoga pose. From beginner to very advanced, the use of props greatly benefits physical progress with mental clarity.

Research: Mr. Iyengar has devoted a lifetime to the study of yoga, including the ancient texts, modern scientific research and practical application. His extraordinary knowledge of the human body and his great expertise have earned recognition and accolades from eminent authorities in medicine and science internationally. He has received many prestigious awards and the perfection of his yoga poses has inspired great sculptors and musicians.

The “Light On Yoga Research Trust” was established in 1978 to conduct and to promote scientific research into the medical benefits of yoga.

The Iyengar Institute: The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, (R.I.M.Y.I.) in Pune, India. Students from all over the world apply to study yoga at this institute under Iyengar’s daughter Geeta or his son Prashant and now also his granddaughter, Abhijata.

Iyengar Teacher Training: The exacting standards which typify Iyengar Yoga apply also to the Iyengar Teacher Training system. This system is internationally recognized as the benchmark of excellence for teaching standards. Iyengar teachers undergo many years of rigorous training in yoga postures, study of the complexities of the human body and mind and development of skill in the art of teaching. See www.bksiyengar.com

Global Syllabus: Classes are taught to a structured, progressive syllabus which is uniformly presented in Iyengar centers around the globe. Teachers continually receive guidance and updated information from the Institute at Pune.

The Certification Mark: Symbolising the highest standards of teaching, continuing research and education, the international Certification Mark is granted under licence to certified Iyengar yoga teachers. The Certification Mark Logo allows the public to recognize a bona fide certified Iyengar teacher.

The practice of Iyengar Yoga unwinds physical knots and mental tensions.


9:30am: Level 1

9:30am: Levels 2/3

7pm: General

9:30am: Level 1  

All classes are 1.5 hours in duration

Jan O’Donoghue

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