Special note from Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Jan O’Donoghue: I begin this newsletter with a very warm thank you to all those who turned up at GCSIY for this morning’s workshop. Your attendance shows your belief in the healing power of yoga and your commitment to your yoga practice.
Please be aware that the premises are sprayed daily and all high touch surfaces are frequently cleaned. There are two remaining weeks of Term 1. These will be followed by two weeks where Holiday Classes will be offered. Dates and details appear below. Then Term 2 will commence on April 20. Due to the current health crisis some changes have been made to the way things normally run so please read these carefully and feel free to discuss any concerns with Jan. You can do this through the yoga school website, by phone 0407123699 or at the yoga school after class (and not in front of other students so that the good vibes of the class are maintained.)
Here are the changes during class. The recommended distancing of 1.5 metres between people will be followed. We are fortunate to have a large hall and plenty of wall space. If you prefer to bring your own props please feel free to do so. If you have not yet purchased your own props you can discuss with Jan the option of borrowing some which you can clean at home to your satisfaction and then bring to class. Further, you could bring a large towel to cover mat, blankets, bricks, etc. when you are sitting or lying. If you do not wish to handle the ropes you can either wear gloves while you use them or another method will be found for you. If you do not wish to be touched for correction or adjustment then please indicate so. Although sense of touch is the quickest and easiest way to understand where you need to position yourself in the pose, there are other ways too. Trust Jan’s inventiveness to use these if you prefer. With some creativity the preferences of everyone can be attended to.
Here are the changes available for Fees. For Term 2 the option of paying a 10 class block is still available. The single class fee is normally not recommended for newly enrolled students until they have completed their first block of classes, either 5 class block or 10 class block. The 5 class block is normally available only to newly enrolled students in their first term of attendance and is not for other students. Because this is such an uncertain time the fees structure has been temporarily changed. Now any student, including first timers, may pay per single class. Any student may also take the 5 class block option including experienced students for whom this block is not normally available. This block may also be repeated during the term. The fees structure will revert to normal when the time is right.
GCSIY follows the guidelines and directives of the Health Department. As and when these guidelines change so do we. Should it eventuate that the yoga school has to temporarily close and you have unused fees you can elect to do any of the following: 1. Have your unused classes taken over to the first term we recommence operation. 2. Have your entire class block transferred over to the next term that you can again attend and at that term commencement you will pay per single class rate for only the classes that you did use and not the full fee (this is the usual method taken when classes have been unexpectedly missed). 3. Refunds are not normally given except for special circumstances. In this case you can request one.
Private Classes. Private classes in the private studio are continuing and are particularly valuable especially if you are feeling anxious, overloaded or not really wanting to be around other people. Private Tuition is $75, one hour. For two people sharing, $50 each. (Not for therapy cases). If the current situation develops further you might consider organising a small group of four for the private studio, $35 per person.
Above all take heart. There is a way to proceed to keep learning and to keep practising your yoga. Jan has further plans which can be implemented if necessary. Now for Holiday Class Dates: Tuesday April 7 at 9.30 am and at 7 pm, Wednesday April 8 at 7 pm, Thursday April 9 at 9.30 am, Wednesday April 15 at 7 pm and Thursday April 16 at 9.30 am. $25 per class. All levels can attend any session. Please notify Jan which Holiday Classes you would like to attend and very importantly please give your enrolments for Term 2 commencing April 20 and how you would like to proceed in regard to fees.
Namaste. Peace and Love, Jan