Please read carefully the following message from Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga:

During these uncertain times please know the following in regard to attendance of classes at GCSIY. The school follows the directives and guidelines of the Department Of Health. To view these go to, and also for daily updates on status and case numbers of COVID-19. This is a factual site written in plain non-emotive language. You can also view the Government’s planning ahead for handling this health crisis, given in four stages.

The yoga school will remain open unless or until advised otherwise. This includes tomorrow’s Workshop on “A Yoga Practice With Timings”. The recommendation on person to person distancing can easily be followed at our school as we have a large hall and small class numbers. The premises are sprayed daily and all high touch surfaces are frequently cleaned/sanitised. Hand sanitisers have been extremely difficult to find but finally some have been located and a pack has been ordered. The frequent soap up of hands is obvious and should be followed by all.

If you prefer not to use the yoga school mats or other props you are welcome to bring your own. Every serious yoga student should have these for home practice anyway so bring them along. If you do not have your own props this would be a good time to purchase them (go to Alternatively you can organise with Jan to borrow a mat, take it home and wash it to your own satisfaction for use in class. Other measures you can take include bringing a large towel to lay over your mat or blankets, etc when you sit or lie down. Belts or ropes do not have to be used if one prefers not to. There are other ways to get similar results. These are sensible measures that can be taken whenever there is a wide scale, contagious infection, not just the current one.

Please know that Jan is well and truly used to taking creative approaches to teaching having taught in many different situations over the past forty years. She can even adjust your position in an asana from front, back or side without touching you.There is always a way that can be found. Iyengar Yoga is easily adapted to changing situations. if one way doesn’t work we find another.

You will shortly receive another notice giving adaptive plans for holiday classes and Term 2. Until then Jan asks you to please refrain from discussing the health crisis when you are at the yoga school. The mere mention of seriously adverse topics adds to the load on your immune system making you more susceptible to colds (also currently going around) and wearing you down. Our doctors and nurses don’t need an extra load. They have themselves and their families to consider as well as the huge responsibilty of preparing for and coping with any worsening situation. Instead enhance your immunity through the internal health benefits and the reinforcing sense of well being and calm that comes from attending your yoga classes and from continuing your yoga practice.

Namaste, Jan