“Effects Of Stress On The Body” is the subject for the upcoming workshop at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga. The date to set aside is Sunday October 25 from 9.30 am to 12 noon.
The experience of stress is a normal part of daily living. It is stress overload which causes significant disturbance to mind and emotions and results in physical tensions leading to aches and pains. These physical tensions are experienced differently from person to person. This workshop looks at a number of common body areas which react to stress. You will understand which areas in your body are effected and learn how to halt the progress of the physical reactions.
Can you relate to any of the following common body areas reacting to mental stress: Diaphragm, leading to lower back problems, digestive and neck problems. Trapezius muscles, leading to tension felt in the neck, skull and shoulders. Chest, leading to poor breathing, pressure on the heart and palpitations. Eyes and Jaw, leading to headaches and stiff neck. Buttocks, leading to hip restrictions, lower back stiffness and problems of the reproductive system.
All of these tension areas also lead to fatigue due to the unnecessary output of energy. “Effects Of Stress On The Body” is a workshop which will help you to understand your individual physical reactions to stress overload and what you can do to prevent the tension buildup and to relieve any aches and pains left behind. Suitable for all yoga students. Please book your place by August 21 and pay deposit of $25 or full fee of $65. Book with Jan at the yoga school or use Contact Us on the website, www.yogaschool.com.au and request payment details.