Workshop with Jan O’Donoghue Sunday March 22, 9.30 am to 12 pm. At Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga, 7 School St, Mudgeeraba 4213.

Why Timings? What is their value? In the Iyengar Yoga tradition the asanas are held for prescribed lengths of time so that the benefits they are supposed to bestow upon the student have time to work their effects. Also, during the timing the student has the time for checking, adjusting, experiencing and experimenting. In this manner personal knowledge and mastery grows and the student improves on all levels, just as the ancient yogis intended. Poses performed quickly one after the other do not allow time for checking one’s alignment and accuracy, For making personal modifications according to special needs or for expanding mental awareness.

The YOGA PRACTICE WITH TIMINGS Workshop will take you through a sequence of yoga asanas with suggested timings. This sequence will be taken from the Introductory Course in BKS Iyengar’s Light On Yoga. The Timings can improve your endurance, your focus and your breathing as well as amplify the benefits they give you.

Consideration will be given to special conditions, e.g. sore knees or necks, so that the timing can be accomplished without distraction from discomfort. You will also have your own illustrated yoga sequence to take home. Applying Timings to your yoga practice can take self-discipline but is immensely rewarding.

Workshop suitable for all students of Iyengar Yoga except those who are brand new. Please book and pay deposit of $25 or full fee of $65 by March 18. All fees to be paid in full by 22nd. See Jan at the yoga school to book and pay or use Contact Us on www.yogaschool.com.au to book your place and to request payment options. Please note that card payments are not possible. Details for bank transfer can be given on request. Jan. Ph. 0407123699.