Announcing the Twists Workshop with Jan O’Donoghue at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga on Sunday May 26 at 9.30 am to 12 pm. This Workshop will take you through a variety of different twists using different techniques and modifications to help you gain maximum benefit for yourself.

Benefits of Twists.

Great workout for your abdominal muscles and organs.

De-toxifying.Twists banish sluggishness, massage and cleanse digestive organs, strengthen heart and lungs.

Greater flexibility and range of movement.

Relief for achey backs, tense shoulders, stiff neck.

PLUS Twists just feel great. They make you cheerful.

Bookings need to be in promptly for this Workshop to assist planning for each individual. Please pay before May 21 workshop fee of $65 or deposit of $25 (balance payable on the day). Fees are paid in cash or you may request details for bank transfer payment in advance. See Jan at the yoga school, phone 0407123699 or use Contact Us on the website,
