“Boost Immunity And De-Stress” Yoga Workshop with Jan O’Donoghue at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga on Sunday May 28 from 9.30 am to 12 pm. Though winter has not quite arrived colds and flu are already making the rounds. This workshop will give you a yoga practice sequence you can use to boost your immunity at any time and simultaneously soothe your nervous system.
*Increase your chances of staying healthy all year every year.* Learn important approaches to yoga practice when you are feeling unwell or recovering from illness. *Learn how to regularly reduce the extra load placed on your nervous and immune systems by the pressures of life and work.* PLUS learn a simple and effective yoga pick-me-up you can give to any sick family member. They will love you for this.
The Boost Immunity and De-Stress workshop will include an active yoga session, pranayama and deep relaxation. For students new to pranayama (refined, controlled breathing) there will be a special segment on Beginning a Pranayama Practice. The workshop is suitable for all yoga students. Bookings should be in by May 24 with full fee $65 or deposit $25 with fee balance to pay on the day. Book and pay at the yoga school, by mail to PO box 166 Mudgeeraba, 4213 or via Contact Us on www.yogaschool.com.au Bank transfer can be requested. Any cheques should be made to Jan O’Donoghue.