Improve your normal, everyday breathing for better all-round health, greater energy and a better frame of mind. Next learn how to consciously deepen, lengthen and direct your breath (Pranayama). Benefits are immediate. You experienced a deeply focused state and a heightened sense of tranquillity.
All at the Better Breathing Workshop at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga, 9.30 am to 12 pm on Sunday May 31: Benefits you will experience. * Looser shoulders and hips and stronger abdominal muscles, all necessary for effective control of your breath. Preparatory Poses will give you this benefit. * Settling of the mind and emotions so all tensions fade and you can focus with clarity; no more scattered thinking or feelings of emotional upheaval. Plus *Learning how to transition your normal breathing into Pranayama. Plus *Deep, deep Relaxation.
Experience the peace and calm of total removal from all outside influences and pressures. Move into a state where the disturbances of normal living fade away. Workshop suitable for all. Please book and pay full fee of $55 or deposit of $25 by 28/5/15 at Gold Coast School Of Iyengar Yoga during opening hours or by mail to P.O. Box 166, Mudgeeraba, 4213. Contact Jan by phone 0407123699 or through